Amateur Radio Club
This isn't your granddad's HAM radio.
President Steve Kelley​
When your Vonage, Comcast, or FiOS phone line goes dead because of a storm or power failure, "who ya gonna call???" NOBODY!!!
Amateur radio is the only system of communications that is resilient to storms and disruptions to the power and communications grid and works as long as your batteries or home generator hold up.
The Radio Club meets at 6 p.m. at Boumi on Business Meeting Nights.
Boumi Shiners
Brew Club, Taproom No. 29
Cellar Master Tim Heitman​
Here members can explore their hobby of home brewing through the promotion and education of brewing beer, wine making, & other home brewing activities.
The Boumi Brew Club meets on the 4th Friday of the month in the Scimeter Club Room Bar.
All are welcome (aged 21+, of course)
Gun Club
Trap Shooting
President Ben Ludwig
The Gun Club meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at Loch Raven Skeet & Trap Center in Phoenix, MD.
The purpose of BSGC is to specifically promote interest in trap shooting amongst the nobility and provide another means for our brothers to enjoy the camaraderie of their shrine brothers and wholesome competition.
Knights of Mecca
Past Masters Ritual Team
President Dave Sandy​
The Knights of Mecca is a club composed of Blue Lodge Past Masters. The Boumi Shriners Knights of Mecca serve as the Potentate's ritual team in the blue lodges by conferring the Master Mason degree at the request of the lodge's Worshipful Master.
Preparing food for the Wednesday Luncheons and refreshments after each Boumi Business Meeting
Chief Bruce Mulligan
One thing that can be said about most nobles is that they like FOOD. Some like to eat, some like to cook, and a few even like pitching in to provide a meal for the rest of the nobility. It is that last group of nobles that we need more of.
Have a club or unit meeting you'd like us to cater? Let us know!
The Stewards meet on Boumi business meeting nights at 6 p.m. in the kitchen. Where else would you expect them to meet?
The Ambassadors are dedicated Shriners who represent Boumi at their Blue Lodges
Chief Bruce Mulligan
The Ambassadors meet every 2nd Thursday at 6 p.m.
The first meeting of the Ambassadors Club of Boumi was held in the Wedgewood Room of the Emerson Hotel in Baltimore at 4:30 PM Wednesday, March 2, 1960. Divan members present were Illustrious Potentate William O. Barnes, First Ceremonial Master George Bratt, and Marshal Robers A. Phelps. Twenty-two other Nobles of Boumi were present at the meeting. Three main areas of concern, at that time, were to be the goals of the Ambassadors, namely: membership, advertising in Boumi News, and goodwill throughout Shrinedom.
Pa-Po-Peake Shrine Club
Taking Boumi to Southern Maryland
President Dennis Leland
Pa-Po-Peake's Board of Directors meet every second Thursday at Thomas J. Shryock Masonic Lodge on Mervill Dean Rd in Hollywood.
We also have an open dinner meeting every third Thursday of the month, except July and August. Please contact the president for the location of the monthly dinner.
Blues Band
Bringin' the Blues back to Boumi
President Bob Candler
The Boumi Blues Band provides music to events like the Zitta Temple Shrimp Feast, the MASA hospitality room, and whenever we need to have great music to party with. If you still have your bass, your guitar, etc., and want to play again, just give the president a call.
Nobles who transport our children to the Shriners Hospitals for Children
Dispatchers Steve Kelley & Roy Rafter
We have the greatest hospitals in the world with fantastic doctors, nurses, and therapists, and these men perform a vital part of the care by getting the children to the their surgeries and other appointments.
The Shepherds meet at the temple on the 2nd Wednesday of odd months (except July) at 1 p.m., following the Boumi Wednesday Luncheon.